"Be cordial in open source or be on your way"
"Code solves problems created by humans"
29th August 2013, the day of Dahi Hundi festival, just came back home from Dombivli
where my play(theatre) friends, Digambar Acharya and others have their rehearsals. The trip wasn't planned at all. I called my uncle and
told him about the event and the location. Without a second thought he
told me to book the flight tickets and forget the worries of accommodation.
I was new to Bangalore and it was my very first outing all
over alone. The decision was taken in such a haste that I couldn't apprise
my friends too.
It was 9pm and that time my colony guys were forming
human pyramids to break 2nd Dahi Handi. It was a great
time watching all pals playing music, dancing, eating, & forming
human pyramids.
Vidhana Soudha |
30th Aug: Next day morning, I went to office. Taking half day leave after
lunch, I had my flight @4.20pm to Behngaluru. As it was cutie Yashu's(at
who's place I was going to stay in Bengaluru) birthday, I got chocolate
tin pack for her.
As usual Air India flight got delayed by 1 hour.
Bengaluru, Yashu, and her parents had come to receive me. It was after
10 years I was meeting them. They actually belonged to Hebal, Bengaluru.
Reaching their place, I met another cutie, Sonu(their pet dog).
rejuvenating ourselves, we went to meet Yashu's cousin Mangala and her
31st Aug: Second day of Pycon but first day of actual conference
@NIMHANS, Hosur. On 31st and 1st there were conferences while on 30th there
were workshops.
There are
pycon in various countries. In India it happens at Bengaluru. Very well
organised with proper mailing list. With one registration you can enjoy talks, free wifi, breakfast, lunch, snacks, goodies & t-shirts. There
were 3 auditoriums at NIMHANS with talks going in all 3 simultaneously
as per schedule. view
Schedule(talks in brief):
"Nanu Bengalurige Pycon attend maadalu bandiddini" was taught to me by one of my Pycon attendee.
* Keynote talk by Kiran Jonnalagadda
Paradox:The more the less is the code, the more good is the code. Then what if no code at all?
Bootstrap developer : Twitter
Flask : everything in api and no need of doc and lightweight
Denied : the next generation python micro-web-framework
* First talk by
Shrinivasan : zeromq in which client creates a socket and assumes there
will be a server. Any order client first then server
* plivo : graph by Kunal Kerkar
carbon : daemon
whisper : db
* Chetan Giridhar-real time communicationautomated chat
* Panel discussion: Prabhu Ramachandran, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay one of the panel member:
Q.Should there be python for non-engineers?
Panel: Depends on the need
Example of spoken tutorial which is e-learning of FOSS.
It is always important to learn simple language like python.
If not then go and learn machine language.
Teachers are only teachers not learners & python cannot change their attitude.
That evening after conference, we went to Mantri Mall where we entertained ourselves at amoeba, scary house and finally dinner at Rajdhani (36 items thali) Hotel. On the way I saw Vidhana Soudha, Lalbagh botanical garden, Kalashetra, UB city, Chinnaswami stadium & golf area
in Bengaluru. I heard songs like "Krishna Ni Begane Baro" which was playing in the car on the way.
I heard Kannada version of "Kadhi tu" Marathi song from the remaked kannada movie of Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai.
1st sept:
* ulrlib2 kenneth(heroku)
* Sudar Muthu @sudarmuthu (Rasberry pi) github.com/sudar
1. Need voltage regulator
2. Combination of arduino and rasberry pi is best
3. Usage of LED in hardware is like "Hello World" program in software.
4. Require to install python-dev
5. 3.3v max 1.7v resistance
6.Create file connect led to rpi and then run
sudo ./filename.py
Various projects with python and Rasberry pi(pi stands for python)
1. Brightness program
2. Button on off program
3. pycam : face recognition
Miscellaneous Facts discussed in PyCon:
* Difference between Raspi and Beaglebone
* What is Spider trap?
* Python + staf is used to run test case
* Use of Decorator tool-to know on which module to execute
* What is fabric module?
* What is foo bar?
For details you can watch videos on twitter.
There were also openspaces conferences. In openspaces there were talks, seminars & contests.
That evening we went to Maiya's restaurant and shop. I bought appe midi and puliyodhara. We had Karnataki delicacy there.
2nd sept: Flight @10.20am back to Mumbai. In flight I met a GSB girl Sheetal Bhat, who works in Cleartrip. From a stranger to a good friend in one hour.
Bengaluru can be portrayed as a city with a beautiful weather. I am really missing Yashu, Mangala and everyone there. I really owe them for the care and affection they gave like my family in those three days.